Welcome to The Brook

A space of healing in Sheffield’s Porter Valley

The Brook is a unique therapeutic environment that houses two spacious and cosy practice rooms that are available to rent 7 days a week, a whole host of plants and greenery, and a collection of therapists who offer practices to support the health of mind and body

Therapies and Therapeutic Spaces

The inspiration for The Brook was the need for therapeutic spaces that practitioners can make their own.

We know that ‘place’ affects us and what we co-create together, so The Brook not only feels homely, warm and safe, it is a space where practitioners can grow along with their practice.

the world is large and loud

and we we are small

soft-bodied things that lean to the sun

as flowers do

guided by the most simple demand -

to be here

to continue

to love

to take part in the exquisite mystery

with our faces turned one another

repeating -

I do not know I do not know

yet held together

in that enormous promise

‘soft-bodied things’

by Jazz Money

was first published in the collection Mark the Dawn in 2024